An administrative authority, a not-for-profit, not taxable corporation without share capital, a government-granted monopoly, ESA is a super parasite, an absolute abuser of its absolute power, a sole service provider, with exclusive privilege and absolute protection from the government!
Wit absolute MGCS's protection from above, ESA has power, authority, and the right to take as much of our money as it wants. That's why no one is pushing to increase productivity, reduce expenses, or improve profitability. And no cost cutting measures need to be implemented.
There is no need to lower monthly bills, offer better services, expand hours of service, etc. Why think, improve, innovate, work hard and compete when you don't have to? Creativity, efficiency, and innovation are all replaced with the constant and steady increase of fees and charges!
Monopoly eliminates the need for outsourcing, subcontracting out, restructuring, downsizing, optimizing. Monopoly stops progress and prohibits excellence!
Excessive power and absence of competition breed abuse of power. Absolute power leads to absolute abuse of power. Take and pocket. Then take and pocket more!
Powerless and defenseless electrical workers with no freedom to choose are chained to the Electrical Safety Authority and have no alternative but to pay whatever ESA orders them to.
All monopolists make major efforts to convince that their existence is actually beneficial. ESA uses public safety as their most powerful and irresistible trump card. No one can say a word against the ESA, it would be interpreted as being against the public safety!
Do you think that ESA is the best and pure example of the monopolistic and parasitic abuse of power?
The ESA should earn their income and pay for their expenses the same way as other corporations do. Free market must rule this field of business, as any other.

Eliminate ESA monopoly. Split the ESA into three or four smaller companies and privatize. So that they compete for business, cut fat, stop the abuse, fight inefficiencies.
The end of ESA monopoly would allow a few other contenders to enter the field and introduce the competitiveness, reduce fees, and fix all current ESA's sins.
Email the ESA, tell them to lower fees and to end its monopoly
Tell your MPP.
Email the Minister directly Ms. Lisa M Thompson. Or visit web site of the Minister of Government and Consumer Services, who is accountable for the ESA activities.
Or do you have your own story of abuse, neglect, unfair treatment, overcharge, etc. to share publicly? Join us in a class action if you think they are parasites and sue them together with us!
When a bunch of abused folks speaks out, nothing happens.
If there are hundred or thousand of us, we will prevail and restore the common sense and fairness!
Your voice is an extremely powerful tool. But only if it is used and heard.
So, do you think we should collect signatures and petition the ESA?
Or should we hold a referendum and simply order ESA to do what is right?