This resource calls for the Ontario government and law enforcement to end the ESA's monopoly, cut fees across the board.

Limit its absolute power. Investigate and stop the alleged criminal abuse of that power and unjust self-enrichment.

Expose fundamental flaws that deteriorate safety causing more accidents, fires, and fatalities.


Is the Electrical Safety Authority a criminal organization because of:

Instead of concentrating on improving the electrical safety, ESA over the past 12 or 13 years has become a money-grubbing machine. Upper management is treating electrical workers and public as a cash cow, paying themselves exorbitant pay packages and pensions.

The introduction of unnecessarily high inspection fees, redundant pointless but mandatory licenses, and senseless fines was an alleged act of criminal conspiracy. It has pumped tens or hundreds of millions of dollars from the electrical workers and public to the pockets of top management.

Out of that money ESA pays hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Minister of Government and Consumer Services. That amount grows every year.

Would MGCS investigate ESA? Is it the dumbest question ever asked?

Are the unreasonably high remuneration packages of the unnecessary ESA executives beneficial for public and its electrical safety?

Do you think that a bunch of highly paid ESA executives and MGCS bureaucrats are the greedy crooks?

Do you think the MGCS/ESA symbiosis is a perfect example of how a grand goal of improving the public safety could go so, so wrong in the hands of the parasites drunk with entitlement and absolute power?

Do you think that instead of making the electrical work safer MGCS and ESA produce the opposite effect?

Homeowners reject a minimum $89.27 (HST included) mandatory inspection fee. Because it goes on top of the cost of work. The $89.27 charge for a 3 to 7 minute long inspector's visit is a de facto robbery. With one stone the ESA hits us all, customers, electricians, Ontario public, and its safety.

People simply refuse to pay a total of $160 or $250 for adding a single wall plug or installing a couple of additional outlets for light fixtures. And almost all small and mid size residential work goes un-inspected. Instead of licensed electricians it is now done by clueless handymen, making everybody even less safe.

ESA pushes electrical work underground. Every year millions of accumulated un-inspected jobs deteriorate the safety in Ontario instead of improving it.

Going underground, skipping the mandatory inspection automatically turns homeowners, handymen and electricians into provincial offenders and creates yet another source of easy income for the ESA from the penalties it imposes and the court fines!

Do you think that electricians are being steadily transformed into modern-day half slaves paying for ESA ever-increasing bills, wages, benefits and pension expenses?

The ESA misses no opportunity to shed crocodile tears over how it seeks to live up to the standard of treating others the way it would want to be treated, while doing quite different things.

Is an ongoing crime being committed by a company whose code of conduct mandates fairness, honesty, respect and doing what is right?

In sum, do you think that acting strictly within the law, this highly ethical company is engaged in the unlawful expropriation of electrical workers' income on a vast scale?

Do you think the very existence of the monopolistic Electrical Safety Authority is a mockery of public safety, logic, common sense, fairness, and justice?

Everybody loses. The only big winner is the ESA!

If you are a customer and do not believe it, check section 2.1; the minimum inspection fee is $79 (plus tax).

Most residential customers can not afford or refuse to pay for inspections.

Therefore, this site is about making more electricians, electrical contractors, homeowners, small business owners, commercial property managers, and even general public want to stop the ESA.

Post a Comment

ESA will never give up fantastic salaries and huge benefits until we refuse to be their cash cows. They will milk us all dry if YOU and I don't stop them in court. So how committed are you to winning?

No anonymous comments!
Use full name, real or not. No links unless devoted to fighting ESA.

If emailing evidence of overcharge, abuse, or crime, clearly state whether we can make your name and material public.

Otherwise we will keep all your contact and personal information strictly confidential and unknown to the ESA. Courts will give you absolute immunity, witness protection, and concealed identity in advance. ESA will never know who you are and won't be able to retaliate.

ISB - Independent Supervisory Body. We should create it in order to fight for what is just, fair and right

ECAO - Electrical Contractors Association of Ontario

CoAC - Contractor Advisory Council

OESC - Ontario Electrical Safety Code