There were a total of 18 deaths, nine electrical-related and nine fire fatalities due to electricity in 2013. Comparing to a total of 7 deaths, 2 and 5 respectively in 2012. And a percentage increase in fatalities of 450% and 180% respectively. See page 1 of 2013 Ontario Electrical Safety Report.
In 2013 there was a huge increase in both categories of fatalities from the previous year. It demonstrated the Electrical Safety Authority's inability to achieve its major goal of improving safety.
Did ESA celebrate these "achievements"? Yes, it did.
Did ESA executives get salaries, wages, bonuses, pensions, post-employment benefits, allowances and reimbursements for failing to do their job? Yes, they did.
Did ESA take $30M out of their salaries and donate the money to the families of the victims whom ESA has failed to protect? No, it didn't.
An electrical contractor who does not do his job properly is not getting paid and could even be fined or his licenses could be revoked. Doing a bad job hits him in the pocket real bad.
The contractor will not even recover the money spent on materials if his work was defective or did not comply with the codes.
Similarly, the ESA staff must have been held accountable for the failure to do their job or duty. But that didn't happen. They all got paid! Why?
The ESA Mandate:
To enhance public electrical safety in Ontario. >>> Failed. Public electrical safety in Ontario has deteriorated in 2013.
ESA Mission:
Improve electrical safety for the well-being of the people of Ontario. >>> Failed. Electrical safety and well-being of Ontarians has worsen in 2013.
ESA Vision
An Ontario free from electrical fatalities and serious injuries, damage or loss. >>> Failed miserably.
ESA activities:
identifying and targeting leading causes of electrical risk; >>> Failed.
promoting awareness of, education and training on electrical safety; >>> Failed.
engaging with stakeholders to improve safety. >>> Failed.
Preventing electrical deaths, injuries and fires requires both careful planning and the nimbleness to respond to unexpected challenges. >>> Failed.
We (ESA) define our priorities in our strategic plan – the Harm Reduction Strategy. >>> Failed.
(Quoting FY2014 annual report) It was a year of significant achievement of our goals >>> Lie.
The same report states, quote, "In 2013, there were 18 electrical-related and electrical fire fatalities in Ontario, a significant increase from the previous year." Unquote. >>> Yes, the 18 deaths is a significant increase, but it is a despicable achievement and NOT a significant one.
The ESA has failed to do its job. But it did not fail to collect the fees and it did not fail to pay salaries, wages, bonuses, pensions, post-employment benefits, allowances and reimbursements to themselves!

Families of 18 electrical-related accidents and electrical fire victims in Ontario should take the ESA to court for lies and for failing to protect their loved ones!
All the abused, overcharged, injured, and relatives of those killed, let's sue ESA executives together. Sue for failure to do their job and for being indirectly responsible for the deaths.
All the abused, overcharged, injured, and relatives of those killed, let's sue ESA executives together. Sue for failure to do their job and for being indirectly responsible for the deaths.
Join a class action lawsuit against the Electrical Safety Authority. Join the Ontario electrical fire victims' class action against the ESA.
Tell the ESA what you think via email
Tell your MPP.
Email the Minister directly Ms. Lisa M Thompson. Or visit web site of the Minister of Government and Consumer Services, who is accountable for the ESA activities.
Or do you have your own story of abuse, neglect, unfair treatment, overcharge, etc. to share publicly? Join us in a class action if you think they are parasites and sue them together with us!
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